
We are convinced not only that one can do business while respecting the environmental and social context in which one operates, but rather that this is a key factor in developing competitiveness and long-term viability.

For this reason, E-imballaggi promotes sustainable development, encouraging initiatives aimed at environmental protection and energy efficiency.

At our plant in Altedo we have over time planted over 500 tree and shrub species as well as managing a farm apiary with over 65,000 bees in it.

E-imballaggi undertakes to comply with all environmental protection regulations, avoiding any environmental pollution, whether in the form of illegal discharges into the air, water, soil and subsoil, or as the emission of excessive noise into the environment and, above all, as incorrect waste management, by promoting an effective and efficient waste separation system within the company.

Let's take care
for the planet

We aim to minimise our impact on the environment by continuously improving our sustainability. FSCĀ® certification allows us to assure our customers that the materials we use come from sustainably and responsibly managed sources.

We preserve

Through the promotion of agro-forestry projects involving the planting of new trees, we planted 100 trees in 2022, another 100 in 2023 with the FORESTAe farm project. Another 100 trees are planned for 2024, on a green area on company property earmarked for the project.

Every bee counts

We have implemented the Ogni Ape Conta project, where within our company hives over 150,000 bees contribute to environmental sustainability as well as producing excellent honey.